God's time

From: igevolution@earthlink.net
Date: Fri Apr 25 2003 - 15:12:19 EDT

  • Next message: D. F. Siemens, Jr.: "Re: God's time--and Ezekiel's prophecy"

    Jesus mentioned that his parables were to both reveal and conceal. There
    is an enemy, he listens, and some things are not spelled out for that very
    reason. God disclosed that the seed of the woman would bruise Satan's head,
    and Satan had Abel killed through Cain thinking he was that seed

    I'd never thought of the killing of Abel in that light. Interesting.
    Certainly, Satan knew who Christ was when He was born (see the murder of the
    newborn that caused Christ's family to flee to Egypt). There are many other
    examples of Satan causing the death or torture of the chosen of God simply
    in an attempt to thwart the action and purposes of God.

    Also, Satan does know scripture (see the temptations of Christ). He also
    is, at least for some events, in the presence of God (see Job) and has
    opportunities to interact with Angels (the "dispute" over the body of Abraham
    between Satan and Michael). I don't know if the purpose of concealment is
    to conceal the truth from Satan or to conceal it from those who are destined
    for destruction. Either way, the question Dick addressed is properly
    responded to. God doesn't spell everything out, not because he doesn't know
    it, but because there is a purpose to his method of disclosure.

    Lastly, there is an aspect of prophecy that (in my view), is fulfilled
    over the course of time. My pastor, Dr. David Hegg (Master's Seminary),
    teaches that prophecy is fulfilled in stages. For instance, Ezekiel's prophcy
    regarding the return of the exiles to Israel is partially fulfilled 70 years
    after their exile, when, under Neahmiah and Zerububel, the people return
    to the land. However, the temple that is fortold in those prophecies is not
    built by them. THey restore Solomon's temple. Also, the messianic king,
    the seed of David, does not rule in Israel. There is no Davidic king for
    the rest of Israel's history. The new temple, in fact, has yet to be built,
    and the coming of Messiah took many years longer to fulfill. Also,
    Messiah has not yet taken on political power, as He will at the second coming.
    The "now, but not yet" interpretation of phrophecy is an aspect of God's
    communication style that would not be possible if everything were spelled out
    exactly in every prophecy.



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