Re: God's time

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Sat Apr 26 2003 - 13:38:24 EDT

  • Next message: Alexanian, Moorad: "RE: No death before the fall theology"

    Jason wrote, in part:

    "Theology is a human construct ... but that does not negate the veracity of
    it. Theology is about authentic exegesis of the divinely inspired and
    inerranct word of God."

    That seems to be a very limited fundamentalist definition of theology. By
    that definition, Bultmann and Tillich and Barth (to name three) were not
    doing theology in their working careers.

    " The cannon of scripture is the foundation, not personal experience. If
    theology were derived only from personal experience, then true theology for
    me would be different from true theology for you, as you and I have had
    different experiences. "

    I agree that scripture is a primary (THE primary) base, even though I also
    observe that the inerrancy of the Bible doctrine is one which makes no sense
    to me at all. But what can be the meaning of "true theology" but something
    that none of us has a feather's chance of ever attaining -- at least in this

    " Obviously, the truth of who God is and how He relates to and saves
    us is absolutely true, apart from either of our opinions. "

    Of coures, but it does not follow that anyone will ever attain to it.

    "The only foundation for a common, shared theology is scripture. Not
    personal experience."

    Experiences (stories) are what we share with each other. I tell my story to
    tell you about the light I have seen. If I insist that light must be YOUR
    light, I err seriously.

    "You and I are free to differ on our interpretation of scripture; this
    discussion is justifiably academic and authentic, but we must agree that the
    discussion of such matters is based on interpretation of scripture, not

    Do you mean to deny that a person's experience can ever play a part in his
    understanding of scripture? If so, we must disagree.

    " We must also agree that there is an absolutely true answer to such

    I can agree with that, but observe that absolute truth is something beyond
    us, and so the statement has little meaning.

    "God is absolute, and His truths are likewise. We must struggle to discover
    them, not fabricate our own."

    Best wishes in your struggles. Sometime, read THE MYTH OF CERTAINTY by


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