Re: God's time--and Ezekiel's prophecy

From: D. F. Siemens, Jr. (
Date: Fri Apr 25 2003 - 16:49:41 EDT

  • Next message: Don Winterstein: "Re: God's time"

    On Fri, 25 Apr 2003 12:12:19 -0700 (GMT) writes
    [in part]:
    > Lastly, there is an aspect of prophecy that (in my view), is
    > fulfilled
    > over the course of time. My pastor, Dr. David Hegg (Master's
    > Seminary),
    > teaches that prophecy is fulfilled in stages. For instance,
    > Ezekiel's prophcy
    > regarding the return of the exiles to Israel is partially fulfilled
    > 70 years
    > after their exile, when, under Neahmiah and Zerububel, the people
    > return
    > to the land. However, the temple that is fortold in those
    > prophecies is not
    > built by them. THey restore Solomon's temple. Also, the messianic
    > king,
    > the seed of David, does not rule in Israel. There is no Davidic
    > king for
    > the rest of Israel's history. The new temple, in fact, has yet to be
    > built,
    > and the coming of Messiah took many years longer to fulfill. Also,
    > Messiah has not yet taken on political power, as He will at the
    > second coming.
    > The "now, but not yet" interpretation of phrophecy is an aspect of
    > God's
    > communication style that would not be possible if everything were
    > spelled out
    > exactly in every prophecy.
    > Jason

    I have a question for your pastor that my mother asked hers. In this
    future temple why are there blood offerings--Ezekiel 40:38-43; 43:13-27;
    44:15; 45:15, 17-25; 46:2-7, 11-15, 20? Is not the blood of Christ
    sufficient for _all_ sin?

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