Re: appearance of age, the goodness of God, and MEDIA

From: Denyse O'Leary (
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 12:52:24 EST

  • Next message: American Home Loans: "Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God"

    Rich, I think you are quite right to see the causes of Mideast troubles
    as complex, but none of this detracts from my observation that media
    ignorance of religion has been costly in recent years.

    Many responsible media are trying NOT to repeat the mistake. Journalists
    I respect at the National Post are among them.

    I take it that the list accepts my contention that Christian
    evolutionists who want ink need to supply stories that the media can
    actually use.

    Complaining is not a useful response. Nobody is entitled to publicity.


    To see what's new in faith and science issues, go to
    My next book, By Design or By Chance?: The Growing Controversy Over the
    Origin of Life in the Universe  (Castle Quay Books, Oakville) will be
    published Fall 2003.

    To order, call Castle Quay, 1-800-265-6397, fax 519-748-9835, or visit (CDN $19.95 or US$14.95).

    Denyse O'Leary 14 Latimer Avenue Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5N 2L8 Tel: 416 485-2392/Fax: 416 485-9665

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