Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God

From: American Home Loans (
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 13:26:10 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God"

    Burgy wrote:

    > The ASA web site gets maybe less than 1% of the hits that AIG and ICR get
    (or claim to get).

    That's because YECs are united in belief, and the ASA is an eclectic bunch
    of grumpy, old misfits with no unity, except that we all profess Christ each
    in his own unique way. That said, ASA has a useful purpose. We provide a
    forum where we can get informed, honest feedback from a loose group of
    fellow, knowledgeable Christians. But we cannot be an effective voice
    against YEC, because some of us are YECs. And because we don't agree on how
    to regard Scripture.

    We may all profess Christ, but we run the gamut on biblical interpretation.
    YECs may be wrong (okay, they are wrong) on what the Bible writers meant,
    but they have no internal conflicts on the foundation of their beliefs. A
    consistent, conservative Christian message gives them credibility among
    scientifically challenged Christians. Their off-the-wall "science" just
    rides those established coattails.

    Dick Fischer - Genesis Proclaimed Association
    Finding Harmony in Bible, Science, and History

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