Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God

From: Michael Roberts (
Date: Wed Apr 02 2003 - 17:09:22 EST

  • Next message: "Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God"

    I wish I could agree with George but Burgy is right and it also applies to
    us in the UK and in OZ .OEC has won the argument but is losing the war.

    So many Christians are so naive that they want to believe YEC rubbish. It
    would be uncharitable to call i t anyhting else.

    Give me a good YEC argument as opposed to fleabites on the Grand Canyon and
    I will become a YEC.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "John Burgeson" <>
    To: <>; <>
    Cc: <>
    Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 4:02 PM
    Subject: Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God

    > George wrote, in part: "The sad thing is that "recent-creationists" have
    > already been defeated over & over - as is shown by the fact that they
    > finally have to fall back on the apparent age arguments. They just don't
    > realize that they've been defeated."
    > Defeated? Surely you jest. The ASA web site gets maybe less than 1% of the
    > hits that AIG and ICR get (or claim to get). Hundreds of YEC presentations
    > every year in hundreds of conservative Xtian churches both here and
    > overseas. A barrage of books, and selling very very well.
    > No way they are "defeated." From my perspective, it looks as if they are
    > stronger today than 20 years ago.
    > Facts: The YEC concept is easy to present, easy to tie to a "common sense"
    > reading of Genesis, easy to defend among the non-scientist population,
    > to create an emotional attachment to, easy to confuse with questions of
    > ultimate concern. Evolution is such a handy dandy target. People like
    > and Dawkins are such a neat target for those who commit the dyatic fallacy
    > -- seeing all issues as having only two sides.
    > To call the YEC movement "defeated" cannot, IMHO, be defended. To call
    > arguments defeated, and that may be what you mean, might be defended. Even
    > then, I'd have difficulty with the statement. If that were really true,
    > would think they would have slunk away by now, rather than prospering.
    > I know Duane Gish personally. He is an intelligent person, committed to
    > worldview. He is not a "bad guy." He prospers.
    > Burgy
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