Jesus Movement (was Re: Is Jonah to be taken literally?)

From: James W Stark (
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 12:23:20 EDT

  • Next message: robert rogland: "is the ASA a small tent?"

    on 8/22/01 10:23 AM, Vince D. Calhoun at wrote:

    >> To me Jesus never claimed he was God. Humans deified him after the
    >> incarnation. Marcus Borg states the indecision on his deity in The Meaning
    >> of Jesus. He also has a web site. I have no problem with either
    >> conviction, because it is irrelevant to his message stated as the Jesus
    >> movement by Borg.
    > This is where we disagree. Given that you probably won't hold arguments
    > from scripture as evidence enough and that I, though familiar with the
    > Jesus movement (and in disagreement with most of its assumptions), have not
    > read the Borg book you are referencing, will leave it at that.
    > God Bless, Vince D. Calhoun,

    Disagreements are a natural part of any conversation. Your _given_ , of
    course, is your assumption. I can only explain what I say and try to share
    where I am coming from.

    The Bible is always interpreted by any reader. Arguments from scripture are
    fine. Getting a valid interpretation is another matter. We can only compare
    what is said and estimate what is relevant to our personal perception of
    truth. Persuasion lies in identifying valid contradictions and agreeing on
    common assumptions.

    Apparently, a belief in the divinity of Jesus is a necessary assumption for
    you. Your interpretation has convinced you that it is a fact. My years of
    study have led to seeing that the nature of his divinity does not alter my
    faith or behavior. The Jesus movement does. What assumptions about the
    Jesus movement do you disagree with?

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