
From: Wesley R. Elsberry (welsberr@inia.cls.org)
Date: Mon Oct 23 2000 - 11:46:56 EDT

  • Next message: Wesley R. Elsberry: "Dembski and miracles"

    Ivar Ylvisaker wrote:


    IY>Actually, if I had to define intelligence, I'd start with
    IY>language. If I or someone can talk with an object, then it
    IY>seems reasonable to define the object as intelligent. This
    IY>was Turing's definition of an intelligent machine.


    No, it wasn't. Turing was looking at the problem of
    establishing that a machine is intelligent. He came up with a
    *sufficient*, though not *necessary*, condition under which we
    would have to admit such.

    The other amusing thing about Turing's original paper is that he
    never explicitly changed the rules of the game from a gender
    discrimination task when he substituted in a machine for one of
    the participants.


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