In a message dated 10/21/2000 6:23:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
<< SJ>Dr Hirsch has kindly sent me a web link (see below) where some of his
>expertise in "biochemistry and molecular biology" can be gauged.
All well and good, but from what I gathered from his little soapbox speech he
focused on 'improbability' and such...
>These are invitations for grants from the DoE in experimental and
>computational structural biology, of which Dr Hirsch advised me he was
>"the lead program manager". ...
SJ>I received more information privately from Dr Hirsch but I am
>with him to see if it is OK for me to post it.
Dr Hirsch has now given me permission to post a statement of his
experience and responsibilities.
For the past 16 years Dr Hirsch has been a program manager with the U.S.
government, three of those years with NIH, the remainder with the
Department of Energy.
He has some 15 or so scientific publications but mostly before 1990
(which makes one wonder about the reliability of Huxter's searches).
Of course it does! Try it yourself - go to Pubmed, and serarch for Hirsch
RF. If you get something different, let me know. Until then, I can do
without your snide insinuations.
Dr Hirsch is going to send me a complete list of these, plus his full
address to the American Chemical Society with references.
Dr Hirsch has mentored six Ph.D.s in analytical chemistry, and did research
for a year as a senior visitor at the University of Oxford.
Since 1991 he has chaired the structural biology task group at the
Department of Energy, which supports an annual budget around $28
million for research in molecular biology, instrumentation, computing,
databases (Protein Data Bank), and synchrotron stations for protein
crystallography and other techniques.
And chairing this group he did how much research into evolutionary biology
and genetics? Sounds like he was a paper pusher. WOuld someone with more
publications in a directly relevant field have more pull that this analytical
chemist? Just curious...
He is also involved in managing the genome program and serves on an
NIH Advisory Council as DOE representative.
So it can be seen that "biochemistry and molecular biology *are*
Hirsch's field"!
LOL! If you say so.... Funny thing about that - at my old school, we had a
hot shot from NIH come in to run our DNA sequencing facility and a lab of his
own. He had a huge contingent of lab techs and grad students - 10 or 15 as I
recall, and huge grants. But he knew nothing about the research that anyone
else was doing, even though he had the 'power' to block time on the equipment
and allocate funds to PIs.
As senior scientists like Dr Hirch `come out' (as it were) and identify
themselves with the ID movement, I would expect more to follow. It is
unclear how many this will be, but it should be at least sizeable minority.
Yup. Just like all those senior scientists we were told would come out o the
woodwork and support the YEC movement. None of them did pertinent research,
either, and their numbers were hardly as impressive as they were made out to
This presents a real problem for the Darwinists who have tried to portray
IDers as a bunch of no-nothings[sic] pushing a discredited 18th century
argument. Sooner or later the Darwinists are going to have to treat ID
seriously or the public is going to start to notice (if they haven't
the credibility gap between the Darwinists rhetoric and the reality.
The public is all the ID/creationism movement has.
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