
From: Wesley R. Elsberry (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 02:00:29 EDT

  • Next message: Ivar Ylvisaker: "Re: The Future for ID"

    DNAunion wrote:


    DU>If you, Elsberry, Dawkins, or Orgel, or anyone else can
    DU>come up with a valid and detailed explanation for the
    DU>purely-natural origin of life here on Earth, go right
    DU>ahead. In the meantime, "you guys" should not state as
    DU>fact that it occurred here on Earth by purely natural
    DU>means: assumptions are not the same as facts, no matter how
    DU>much "naturalists" wish them to be.


    I'll note that "you guys", irrespective of its inclusive
    common use, does not include me, despite the fact that I am
    specifically named. Unless, of course, DNAunion manages to
    come up with a statement by me that says what he imputes to
    "you guys". I somehow find that outcome doubtful.

    First, publication of private email without permission. (I
    haven't noticed any sort of statement of regret, apology, or
    even an attempt at a lame excuse yet.) Now, apparently
    unfounded characterizations of my stances. I wonder what
    might follow...


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