Re: Numerical Significance? (was The "Apparent" Trap)

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 18:44:44 EDT

  • Next message: "NONA?...not"


    I here offer some responses to adverse comments re my claim that from
    the numerics underlying the Bible's opening words, we may infer a
    supernatural origin - and much more beside!

    Chris Cogan > "It won't work because the method itself actually
    discriminates between two classes of propositions (more than two,
    actually). Jenkins' method does not consistently or meaningfully
    distinguish between truth and falsehood, since it may be used to
    pseudo-prove both sides of a contradiction."

    VJ > This is a form of rhetoric I am unable to understand! Presumably,
    you are unhappy that my arguments are largely based upon 'coincidence' -
    'numerical coincidence', in particular. Now I would agree that while
    numbers can represent an exceedingly 'soft' medium for the more
    imaginative among us, they are more famously associated with precision,
    and with 'getting to the truth of things'. Thus, the SETI project
    operates on the understanding that an alien intelligence (if such
    exists) might wish to announce its galactic presence by transmitting a
    recurrent stream, or packet, of numerical 'goodies' which, because of
    their specially chosen characteristics, could not be fairly attributed
    to chance. Reasonable assumptions about 'what kinds of signals are we
    to look for' would typically include: a long ordered sequence of primes,
    perfect numbers or cubes, or packets of numbers that possess unique
    properties and/or are related in some way - by their compatible
    geometries, for example. Clearly, to correctly guess what our
    hypothetical extraterrestial chooses to transmit requires the
    construction of a very wide net!

    My research techniques - applied to the Hebrew text of the Old Testament
    and the Greek text of the New - have followed an identical path;
    clearly, they have the same validty as those of SETI, wouldn't you
    agree? In actual fact, of course, mine have access to further
    possibilities that are unavailable to SETI, viz context and symbolism.

    On the matter of 'coincidence', the methods of forensic medicine are
    used to determine matters of life and death in many situations where the
    only evidence available is circumstantial. Am I wrong in applying these
    methods in my own investigations?

    FMAJ > "I'd suggest that you show us that the numerical geometries and
    symbolisms are indeed not a common place. As the Bible Code for instance
    has shown, it is quite easy to find 'hidden messages' in texts, messages
    that are nothing more than a figment of our imaginative mind. Are these
    structures indeed more than just a coincidence? Have you such research
    to show this?
    Until shown otherwise, it would be foolish to consider these
    'coincidences' more than just chance."

    VJ > May I suggest you look at 'The Creation Geometries' on my first
    website. Clearly, to demonstrate that such structures do not exist in
    the first sentence of other major writings would be the work of a
    lifetime - and more! In my view, it is sufficient that they are found
    to occur in the opening words of Bible - and in circumstances that
    demand a supernatural explanation.

    FMAJ > "The Bible does not need numerology for its message."

    VJ > How can you be so sure? My understanding is that God's ways are
    past finding out!

    billwald > "Let's say your analysis is correct. What do we do with it?
    Predict winning numbers for the lottery?"

    VJ > No. We would surely be wiser to examine the miracle most carefully
    and , thereafter, apply some reason to our further thoughts and actions.

    billwald > "There are several hundred Christian denominations already
    believing that the Christian Bible is true and they can't agree to its

    VJ > Most have failed to understand the character of God; in
    particular, His sovereignty; they therefore feel they can pick and
    choose what to believe, and what to reject.

    billwald > "Does your theory have predictive value that can be tested?"

    VJ > Not in the generally accepted sense.

    billwald > "Maybe it is a form of mind control produced by space
    aliens. It could be useful to the space aliens to have humans united
    under the Christian religion."

    VJ > Personally, I find it easier to believe the Bible to be God's word
    to man: created in His image, and the pinnacle of His creation!



    Vernon Jenkins MSc
    [musician, mining engineer, and formerly Senior Lecturer in Maths and
    Computing, the Polytechnic of Wales (now the University of Glamorgan)]

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