Re: What Would You Do to make evolution work?? (*Again*)

Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 12:02:39 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Numerical Significance? (was The "Apparent" Trap)"

    In a message dated 9/27/2000 6:35:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    > Chris
    > I agree. If we assume that a supernatural creator could exist, then the
    > further assumption that it *does* exist and created the Universe does not
    > fundamentally affect science, which still has to go about its business
    > naturalistically (i.e., via empirical observation, empirical testability,
    > etc.) and leave out any questions as to *ultimate* origin of things.

    Very well said and this shows that while science operates only in the natural
    realm, science is not necessarily anti-God. Johnson got it wrong there.
    Lamoureux and others did a great job at unraveling Johnson's arguments.
    Not only is science not anti-God but religious faith and science can co-exist
    quite happily, each in its own realm.

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