Re: What Would You Do to make evolution work?? (*Again*)

Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 14:28:46 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "Re: Selection as "a Profoundly Informative Intervention" #1"

    > >I find it interesting that the following relationship is true:
    > >1 cubed = 1 squared
    > >1 cubed + 2 cubed = (1 + 2) squared i.e. 9=9
    > >1 cubed + 2 cubed + 3 cubed = (1+2+3) squared i.e. 36=36

    Before there were any cavemen to watch, a herd of some kind of animal
    stood at one end of an open area. An animal walked away from the herd.
    Another animal walked away from the herd and stood along side it. After
    awhile they both went back to the herd.

    In another universe where there weren't any planets a herd of ghosts had
    accumulated. One ghost drifted away. Another ghost did the same. And
    another, also. After awhile the origional ghost returned to the herd.

    A caveman noticed a big pile of small pebbles on a beach. He took one
    pebble and moved it some distance away. He took another pebble and put it
    next the origionally moved pebble. He took another pebble from the big
    pile and put in on the small pile. He took a pebble away from the small
    pile. he moved it back to the small pile. . . . .

    The point, how can it be any other way? Which came first, the universe or
    the numbers? Can anyone imagine a universe that doesn't "work" this way?
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