Re: The "Apparent" Trap

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2000 - 12:42:00 EDT

  • Next message: Ralph Krumdieck: "Re: "Apparent" Trap"


    > I
    >suspect materialists are actually a minority in our society.

    materialists as you seem to define them are virtually nonexistant

    >When the public
    >becomes aware that Darwinism (chance variation and natural selection as an
    >explanation of evolution.) is nothing but pure materialism, Darwinists might
    >become an endangered species.

    the "public" doesn't decide what science is and isn't. They also don't vote
    on what scientists will research and what they don't. However, much of
    medical research is based on what is known about biology and evolution.
    (For example medical testing is always done on mammals, preferably chimps.
    They are closely related to humans because of common descent.) People are
    not going to interfere with medical research because of some hogwash about
    "materialistic assumptions."

    >Although you seem determined to do battle
    >against religion, more and more agnostics will be speaking out for a design

    only in your fantasies. Agnostics won't care much for the design inference
    because it has "you gotta believe" at the center of it. You gotta believe
    with no evidence at all, and still believe when the evidence doesn't
    support belief. Agnostics don't rule out the existence of gods, but I know
    lots and lots of agnostics and they are not believers. There is no evidence
    that the gods exist and there's no evidence that the gods don't exist.
    Agnostics require evidence before belief can occur.



     I am aware that the conclusions arrived at in this work will be denounced
    by some as highly irreligious; but he who denounces them is bound to shew
    why it is more irreligious to explain the origin of man as a distinct
    species by descent from some lower form, through the laws of variation and
    natural selection, than to explain the birth of the individual through the
    laws of ordinary reproduction.

    ---Charles Darwin

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