Re: The "Apparent" Trap

From: Chris Cogan (
Date: Sun Sep 24 2000 - 18:51:40 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: RM&NS and the whale (was But is it science)"

    At 09:25 PM 09/23/2000, you wrote:
    > >The primary rule of rational belief is:
    > > Accept all, but *only*, those ideas for which you
    > > have rationally adequate *cognitive* validation.
    > >However, most people include as a major premise in their epistemology
    > >the following rule:
    > > If something *appears* true,
    > >then it *is* true.
    >Other people say, "If it appears true, it is probably an illusion."
    >Hi Chris,
    >You are a materialist, and proud of it. Nothing wrong with that. There is
    >room for all sorts of people in this world, and we need a few materialists to
    >keep us honest. I don't want to ridicule your "cognitive validation", but
    >it appears to me like mental contortions you perform in order to avoid
    >acknowledging things that appears obvious to many other people. Free will,
    >for instance, which in order to be defined as free would be non determinant.
    >You have faith that life consists of nothing but a complex physical machine.
    >You have faith that the universe is completely comprehensible to your
    >"cognitive validation". You are convinced that life, the Big Bang and
    >everything else, consists of nothing which might not eventually be found in a
    >complex machine.

    Every statement from the first instance of "You have faith" above is false.
    For one thing, I reject faith *categorically*. It is no better in science
    than it is in anything else. Apparently, you missed the point of my post


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