Re: WWYD - What Would You Do to make evolution work??

From: Chris Cogan (
Date: Sun Sep 24 2000 - 18:47:10 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Re: The "Apparent" Trap"

    I notice that no supporter of ID theory offered any suggestions as to how
    to make an environment in which naturalistic evolution could work as
    naturalistic evolutionists claim it does, even though many such supporters
    claim that there God *could* make such a world.

    Apparently, He is *not* able to do it, or, at least, ID supporters are
    unable to imagine what would be needed in doing it. So, I ask again:

            How would early Earth have had to been *different* in order for
            naturalistic evolution to occur and produce the same general
            kinds of results we see today (i.e., a wide range of complexity
            and diversity, etc.)?

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