>>Harmful mutations are "mistakes", beneficial mutations are
>>"part of the design". Good cake. :) Why, though, are you so skeptical
>>about the occurrence of beneficial mutations? Aren't they necessary to carry
>>out the design? Or is it optional that the design be realized?
>Science has yet to identify a "beneficial mutation" about which there is no
beneficial mutatations are observed every day. They are utterly
>Personally, I believe they happen all the time in the few
>organs still plastic enough to be evolving.
the creationists have been hunting for some kind of observable barrier to
evolution for a long time. If you know of one, you should probably e-mail
>It is my belief that we constantly participate
>in the evolution of our own brains by the use of free will. That is not a
>scientific theory, just my own personal belief.
that's fine. However the statements you made above are factual--or would be
if they were true. They are statements about the world, the truth of which
can be verified or not.
The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our
actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only
morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life.
--Albert Einstein
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