Re: Blood clotting and IC'ness?

Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 12:44:19 EDT

  • Next message: Nelson Alonso: "RE: repost for Bertvan"

    In a message dated 9/13/2000 12:15:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

    << Nelson:
     An irreducibly complex systems can only be built simultaneously. Thus
     physical precursors are eliminated as the designer. It can not be built
     gradually , step by step.

    Hi Nelson,

    Can you account for the history of a supposedly IC system? That is, do you
    know that it was constructed as-is? I have seen the example of the global
    economy. If we look at it as-is, it is more or less IC - remove, say, the
    European market, and the whole world suffers. But we know the history of the
    global economy - we KNOW it has been built up step by step and is NOW
    essentially IC. However, we could logically (sic) assume it to be IC if we
    ignore its history.
    It seems to me that without being able to document the history of a
    supposedly IC structure/pathway, declaring it IC and thus designed is a
    proclamation of ignorance.

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