Re: Flagellum Re: Definitions of ID

Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 22:59:26 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Question to FMAJ"

    But perhaps you can tell us how ID designed the system?

    I discussed in my response to Susan some of the methods intelligent agency
    uses to produce molecular machines.

    Avoiding the question I notice. ID is sterile in that it does not give any
    other explanation than "in absence of an identified evolutionary pathway,
    it's intelligent design". But no details about how, where, when, why etc.

    Lacking such predictions, can we conclude that ID is falsified as well? See
    how evolution leads to predictions and further research? What would ID do?

    It does not lack such predictions. One can use the design principle of one
    machine , to predict the principle of another.

    Not really since this presumes that evidence of such machines exists in the
    biological IC system. One cannot compare apples and oranges. Just like Behe
    uses a poor analogy of a mouse trap for IC systems.

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