RE: ID vs. ?

From: Nelson Alonso (
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 13:28:34 EDT

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    ---At 01:42 PM 09/10/2000 +0800, you wrote:>Stephen Jones:

    >That is, they should ask themselves whether the fact that they spend their>time and energy attacking their fellow Christians who are arguing against>anti-Christian philosophies like materialism, naturalism and Darwinism, and>defending their atheist/agnostics colleagues who hold those philosophies,is>not good evidence that they themselves have in fact been taken captive by>those "hollow and deceptive" philosophies?

    Susan:Cliff stated that Dembski had lied to him personally. Why should he supportand defend such a person? Indeed how could he do it and remain a Christian?

    And I want Stephen to point out what, specifically, is anti-Christian aboutthe following passage:(This is from Lenny Flank's website

    Nelson:Not only is it not "anti-Christian" but it's not even "anti-ID". Themammalian ear is at the phenotypical level, thus at this level alone it isirrelevant to the irreducible complexity of molecular machines. Also, themammalian inner ear is not irreducibly complex. Thus showing a pathway tothis system is doubly irrelevant.

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