Fwd: Definitions of ID

From: FMAJ1019@aol.com
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 12:03:49 EDT

  • Next message: FMAJ1019@aol.com: "Re: Blood clotting and IC'ness?"

    In a message dated 9/12/2000 9:01:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time, FMAJ1019


    << Nelson:
    I noticed that your post is simple handwaves. Why is that?

    I repeat my assertion. You have not read the argument. Why call it ad

    Your entire post seems to be one-line assertions. I am here to discuss, not
    prove your negatives.


    I am here to discuss as well and you mentioned "ad hominem". I asserted that
    it was not an ad hominem and asked you why you thought it was an ad hominem?
    Now you turn around the argument and ask me to prove my negative when I asked
    you to prove your positive? That's not a discussion that's avoidance.
    I do realize that I post my information in a few lines. It's far more
    effective to address someone's remarks in a few sentences than spend
    paragraph after paragraph.
    We each have our own style. I prefer a style that gets to the issue. I raised
    quite a few important issues in the posting you responded to but you only
    included a minor side discussion on whether or not Susan's comments were ad
    There is a far more interesting issue: Can ID exclude natural designers. My
    argument is that it cannot based on its claims that it does not identify
    designers. Combine this with the fact that we know that natural pathways
    leading to IC systems exist and the absence of independent evidence of a
    designer biological system and we have 'stumbled' on some very big problems
    for ID.

    Or do you disagree with that conclusion?

    attached mail follows:

    In a message dated 9/12/2000 8:39:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
    nalonso@megatribe.com writes:

    << Nelson:
    I noticed that your post is simple handwaves. Why is that?

    I repeat my assertion. You have not read the argument. Why call it ad

    Your entire post seems to be one-line assertions. I am here to discuss, not
    prove your negatives.


    I am here to discuss as well and you mentioned "ad hominem". I asserted that
    it was not an ad hominem and asked you why you thought it was an ad hominem?
    Now you turn around the argument and ask me to prove my negative when I asked
    you to prove your positive? That's not a discussion that's avoidance.
    I do realize that I post my information in a few lines. It's far more
    effective to address someone's remarks in a few sentences than spend
    paragraph after paragraph.
    We each have our own style. I prefer a style that gets to the issue. I raised
    quite a few important issues in the posting you responded to but you only
    included a minor side discussion on whether or not Susan's comments were ad
    There is a far more interesting issue: Can ID exclude natural designers. My
    argument is that it cannot based on its claims that it does not identify
    designers. Combine this with the fact that we know that natural pathways
    leading to IC systems exist and the absence of independent evidence of a
    designer biological system and we have 'stumbled' on some very big problems
    for ID.

    Or do you disagree with that conclusion?

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Tue Sep 12 2000 - 12:06:14 EDT