Down with the NWO Campaign

Date: Fri Sep 08 2000 - 20:06:53 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "WWYD - What Would You Do to make evolution work??"

    Hi, I surfed on your website at

    and was just wondering if you would be willing to participate in the

    "Down with the NWO (New World Order)" campaign.

    The campaign is being rallied by these websites

    All that you have to do to participate is go to one of these sites, and simply click the

    "Down with the NWO" link.

    or following this link>>>>>>>>

    On the page is a link to the remonstrance form, where you can add your site to the campaign
    or electronically sign the remonstrance. Alternately, if you would prefer not to sign the remonstrance
    we are providing a "counter" only page, where you can stop by and visit, adding a hit to the Anti-NWO campaign.

    There are no banners or marketing schemes on these pages! This is all about awareness.

    Webmasters will benefit by having their sites added to the member sites list,
    which will increase traffic and awareness of the New World Order and ways to stop it.

    As an added bonus! Anyone who signs the electronic Remonstrance and refers 2 friends
    will be automatically entered to win $10,000 dollars.

    Your support is greatly appreciated and remember, YOU can make the difference, increase awareness and
    have a chance to win Ten Thousand Dollars.

    (Note: we are not supplying the $10,000 dollars! It is being offered by,
    if we had the $10,000 dollars, you can be assured it would go to stop the NWO!)

    Thanx for your consideration

    Note: This is not SPAM!!. Your email was found at this address

    Please do not reply to this message asking to be removed from a "mailing list"
    because there is none. Plus, this is better than multi-marketing emails right?

    If you received this email more than once, I apologize.
    Due to the fact that we are visiting many sites,
    it may happen that 2 of the organizers find the same site and accidentally email them twice.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Fri Sep 08 2000 - 20:07:09 EDT