Re: ID: Design vs designer

Date: Fri Sep 08 2000 - 15:40:37 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield Cogan: "RE: Definitions of ID"

    >Design: Can ID formulate a hypothesis that allows us to reliably detect
    >design? Can ID once, design is infered, exclude natural forces as a
    >My answer would be: Not reliably so far and no it cannot exclude natural


    I agree. Let's say that the Christian God exists (I agree) and that he
    created the universe exactly as the YEC believers teach. 6000 years later
    we are stuck with 3 possibilities:

    First, God stopped creating (designing, redesigning?) at the end of the
    6th day and is permitting the universe to exist according to the physical
    relationships he designed into it 6000 years ago. Since the end of
    creation 6000 years ago God only intervenes in human affairs and doesn't
    temporarially or permanantly alter the physical constants origionally
    designed into the universe. If this is the case, then science can preceed
    on the assumption of God's non-intervention and/or non-existance for
    pragmatically the results are the same - God could mess with stuff but

    Or second, God is continually messing with the outcomes of physical
    experiments by changing physical relationships and constants. If this was
    the case then we would have no basis for science at all and all labs
    should be turned into churches so we can pray that God will produce the
    desired outcomes of physical (including biological) experiments.

    Or third, God only messes with physical relationships and constants
    outside of lab conditions e.g.. when scientists are not looking.

    Can anyone think of a third option?

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