Re: Definitions of ID

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Fri Sep 08 2000 - 09:26:33 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield Cogan: "Re: Definitions of ID"

    >Saying "nature" did something is no more informative than saying god did

    I disagree. Nature allows us to watch what's going on. The gods tend to be
    a lot more secretive.

    When a mutation occurs a nonnaturalist can say:
    "God caused that"
    "Aliens caused that"
    "My next door neighbor caused that (with psychic power she doesn't know she
    "A German Shephard in Minnesota caused that (with psychic power he doesn't
    know he has)"

    all a naturalist can say is:
    "It happened. It *appears* to be random."

    Watching something happen--with or without speculation about what caused
    it--is remendously more informative than the unsubstantiated speculation
    about causes. ID is speculation about causes.



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