Re: Latest on the 2LOT

From: Brian D Harper (
Date: Thu Sep 07 2000 - 20:25:35 EDT

  • Next message: Brian D Harper: "Re: Latest on the 2LOT"

    At 10:52 PM 9/6/00 +0100, Richard wrote:

    Thanks Richard (for ruining my day, that is :).

    My first thought was that this is some sort
    of wicked joke. I mean, if I were to set out
    to write a satire on the fundamentalist attack
    on evolution using some other well established
    law, this is just the type thing I would write.

    Here's a real keeper:

    > "Why can't disorder decrease over time instead of everything
    > decaying?" asked Jim Muldoon of Emporia, KS. "Is that too
    > much to ask? This is our children's future we're talking about."

    I imagine AlGore could hop on this. Hey, you gotta think of the children. :)

    Here's the runner up:

    >"The only 'heat death' Jesus ever mentioned is the one that sinners will
    > for all eternity in the Lake of Fire," said Indianola (MS) School Board
    > Bernice McCallum.

    The following passage makes me think again that it is all
    some joke:

    =======begin quote====================
    "Were the second law to be repealed, random particles would collect and
    organize themselves instead of dissipating, which
    could affect such basic processes as combustion, digestion, evaporation,
    convection--that sort of thing," Columbia University
    superstring theorist Dr. Brian Greene said. "There wouldn't be much
    sunlight, either, because all stars, including our sun, would
    be collecting photons from surrounding space instead of emitting solar
    radiation. Oh, and the universe would begin to contract
    rather than expand, which could possibly turn back the flow of time itself,
    sending our cosmos spiraling inward toward a
    reverse Big Bang, a sort of 'Big Crunch,' if you will."

    "In light of all this," Greene continued, "I would sincerely hope that our
    nation's legislators think long and hard before
    making any decisions to amend or repeal this law."

    =========end quote==================

    I can't imagine a physicist actually saying that. Perhaps he said it tongue
    and cheek and was quoted out of context. Here's Greene's web page:

    It contains his phone number, who wants to call him ? :)

    Brian Harper
    Mechanical Engineering
    Ohio State University
    "Baby, I was born bawlin' and
    I'm gonna bawl the rest of my life."
    -- Fats Waller

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