Re: ID vs. ?

Date: Fri Sep 01 2000 - 01:12:58 EDT

  • Next message: Cliff Lundberg: "Re: ID vs ?"

    >BV>ID allows the possibility of a god, but does not require one.

    CH>I've heard this argument from IDers before. ID is all about God. .

    SJ: This is simply not so. ID is only about detecting *design* not the
    *designer*. It is the Intelligent *Design* movement, not the Intelligent
    *Designer* movement!

    True but it's obvious where the ID movement wants to take it. If they only
    realized that since it does not identify the designer, natural forces could
    be the designer making ID nothing more than "nature did it".

    SJ: There are *two* separate questions: 1) is there empirically detectable
    evidence for design in nature? and if so; 2) who (or what) is the designer

    There can be evidence of design, is there evidence of design in nature. So
    far no evidence has been given that shows this.

    SJ: The first question: "is there empirically detectable evidence for
    design in
    nature?", is the primary focus of the ID movement. If it turns out to be
    true, it will be the public property of all mankind and equally supportive
    all religions and philosophies which maintain there is design in nature.

    Right... In the mean time it is used before even a scientific case has been
    made to pretend that ID is scientific. And Christians are ecstatic about the
    possibilities it provides. The motives of the Discover institute for
    instance are quite clear but do not do a favor to Christianity or science.
    What is so easily forgotten is that since ID does not identify a designer it
    cannot exclude a natural designer. So we have gotten nowhere.

    SJ: If design is able to be empirically detected then that will be a great
    help to
    Christianity in its struggle with those philosophies which deny design, like
    materialism, naturalism and Darwinism.

    Darwinism does not deny design. A common fallacy.


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