Re: ID vs.?

Date: Fri Sep 01 2000 - 01:17:37 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: ID vs. ?"

    Bertvan: There is some evidence that "survival of the fittest" might have
    played a
    part in micro-evolution. The question of whether it could account for
    increased complexity is being debated. I, personally, have seen no
    convincing "evidence" that RM&NS creates complexity.

    That of course could be caused by many things. We already know that much of
    the 'complexity' differences is explained by differences in genetics.
    Mutation and selection explain how this happens and how species arise.

    Bertvan: RM&NS is merely the
    only naturalistic assumption materialists can think of to account for the
    creation of complexity. If it satisfies you, fine.

    You mean that it's scientific and that it has been observed to work?


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