Re: Editorial by Sobran

Susan Brassfield (
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:26:37 -0600

>What do you think? I have mixed feelings about this one. What would be
>the result of forming an educational system made up of private schools?
>Would it be good (i.e. better than the staus quo), or bad?

it would be uneven. An educational system made up of private schools would
educate anyone who had the money to send their children to school. It would
also mean that in some areas there would be no nearby school that didn't
include religion as part of the curriculum and if you didn't belong to that
religion you would still have to send your children there (if you could
afford it). In other words, it would be a mess. There's a reason the
government school system evolved as it did.

now on to Sobran!

>Joseph Sobran
>merely assumes that Science Has Spoken and that we all have
>a duty to submit.

Sobran probably doesn't consider the duty to submit to designer
antibiotics, or any of the other benefits of evolutionary knowledge to be
all that onerous.

>The conservative side has concentrated on the difficulties posed
>by the theory: Where is the fossil record of intermediate

the museums are full of them

>How can a lower form of life beget a higher one?

examine some of the evidence--the answer is there

>How can mutations -- understood as benign birth defects -- be
>genetically transmitted, to the point where a line of apes
>eventually produces a Mozart?

again. The evidence is there to be examined.

>Our liberal overseers have long since decided that religious
>teachings have no place in public education. While Darwinism
>is mandatory, religion is not even optional: It's

yes. Teaching the religious dogma of one of the religions in America with
public monies is unconstitutional. It has no place in public education.
There are churches on every street corner (at least in Oklahoma) if that's
not enough then teaching religion in publicly funded schools won't help.

>standards; he wants his own word to be law. Modern tyrants
>have usually promoted literacy, not because they favor true
>education, but because schools can be used to produce the
>kind of citizens they want.

I'd love for Sobran to give a shred or two of documentation for this
remark. Modern tyrants usually take all the well-educated people out and
shoot them. Then they close down all the schools. It happened so far in
Vietnam, a few places in Africa, Bosnia, Hungary, etc. The more ignorant
the population the better.

>This is why the communists in Russia banned and persecuted
>Christianity, while rewriting the history books to impart the
>lesson that communism was the highest stage of history.

Sobran really should crack a history book (as well as maybe a science book
or two) the church was virtually synonymous with the repressive Romanoff
aristocracy. They both had to go.

>Our "liberal" regime is not so different from the communist
>regime. Liberals have generally found much to praise in
>communism, meanwhile deriding anti-communism.

cold war rhetoric! you guys really miss the cold war, don't you?

>They share
>communism's materialist philosophy, its hostility to religion,

liberals are not hostile to religion (check out
Liberals are hostile to STATE religion and hostile to religion trying to
conceal reality (as in the Kansas affair).

>Christian parents have correctly intuited the hidden agenda
>behind so much state education.

educated citizenry?

[baseless rhetoric snipped]

>The battle over evolution and religion is really a battle between
>state and parental authority. The obvious way to resolve it is to
>cut the state out of education, making all schools private.

and cutting the poor out of education. And in come cases, cutting education
out of education.

>prefer to rule as intellectual serfs. It's odd that Darwinians
>should be so afraid of competition!

intellectual serfs? good golly! And a universal education would create
that? And private schools wouldn't have a social agenda at all?

While this guy goes out and reads some books about science and history, he
should also check out the definition of demagogy.



"Life itself is the proper binge."
--Julia Child