RE: A Catholic sermon from Kansas

Pim van Meurs (
Sun, 12 Sep 1999 15:49:20 -0700

> That TE/ECs refuse to even
>consider it could be true, and react with anger and ad hominems, rather
>than discussing it calmly and rationally is evidence that they *have* been
>taken "captive through [a] hollow and deceptive philosophy"!

Glen: It seems to me that when they try to talk with you you simply don't believe
what they say.

Which could of course be explained by the fact that Stephen might be kept "captive through [a] hollow and deceptive philosophy"!. Simply not wanting to believe one's Christian fellows surely would point to that.

SJ: And as Kevin so aptly put it, you can ignore what anyone says if you judge
them to be trapped by a deceitful philosophy. Thus there is no way to
change your mind about anything. To the anti-evolutionary lurkers here: Is
this what you want as your ideal position?

Is there a better one?