RE: abiogenesis was a mystery. Now it's not such a big mystery (was Reply to Bruce Alberts)

Pim van Meurs (
Sun, 12 Sep 1999 15:47:02 -0700

>>Well, dear Phil hardly should be taken to seriously.
>>So Stephen, why are you ignoring the reality that science has learned lots
>about abiogenesis?
>Susan: for the same reason that Phillip Johnson ignores it: because it
serves the
>But that destroys any opportunity for a scientific discussion then?

Susan: well, duh! of course. Neither Stephen nor Johnson are the slightest bit
interested in discussing science and the evidence for evolution. They are
propagandists. They are hoping they can make evolution go away by using

That is worrisome especially given Stephen's admission that one can be held captive by a deceptive philosophy without even knowing it. I wonder how Stephen has decided that he is immune to this possibility?

Stephen then continues with the remarkable 'logic'

"This is simply not true. It is *almost impossible* to get TE/ECs "to carefully explain what they TRULY believe" regarding TE/EC and how "what they believe differs from broad philosophical evolutionism.."

Of course it is IF what Stephen says about 'being held captive by a deceptive philosophy" applies. Yet Kevin has already shown that it is not impossible to get people to explain their position. Only Stephen seems to doubt that this is what they "TRULY" believe. But who is the judge on "truth" here? How can Stephen claim to know the "TRUTH" if he himself can be "held captive by a deceptive philosphy"?

Stephen continues

LH>Despite this, you repeatedly launch the same false accusations.

SJ: If Loren thinks it is "false" let him *show* where it is "false", rather than continually trying to `shoot the messenger'! The more he blusters the more I am convinced that what I say is true.

Is it not up to the "accuser" to support his claims?

And then ofcourse the lovely ending

SJ: I agree with Loren that it "ain't a conversation". I am *trying* to make it "a conversation"! It is the *TE/ECs* who are doing everything they can (ie. ad hominems, shoot the messenger, refusal tom read my posts, etc) rather than have "a conversation"!

I guess Stephen's refusal to read my postings makes him what he accuses TE/ECs of doing. Of course Stephen's perception of what TE/ECs are doing might be severely clouded by his conclusions that they "are held captive by a deceptive philosophy".
So why is Stephen focusing on his strawman and not on the arguments? It would be nice if he could transcend beyond the rethoric.
Just my $0.02