RE: A Catholic sermon from Kansas

Pim van Meurs (
Sun, 12 Sep 1999 12:14:24 -0700

Kevin: Considering what Stephen said in the first paragraph above, however, I do not
see that he would ever admit he is wrong, since even if we "TE/ECs" were to
rationally and calmly discuss his assesment that we have been "taken
'captive' by a 'hollow and deceptive philosophy' (Col 2:8), namely scientific
materialism-naturalism", he could still reject our arguments and evidence on
the basis that we "may not realise" that we have been "taken 'captive'",
since it is "after all, a *deceptive* philosophy". In other words, as long
as Stephen believes that we have been "taken 'captive'" and that we "may" not
realize it, I do not see what we could possibly say that would make him
change his mind.

AAfter all Stephen might be the one held captive by a 'deceptive philosophy' himself and not recognize it. That he is unwilling or unable to change his mind could further be used to support that. Of course this is merely an application of Stephen's 'logic' and by no means my argument.