Re: TE/EC ad hominems-a fact that cries out for an explanation
Sat, 11 Sep 1999 09:21:01 +0000

At 09:01 PM 09/11/1999 +0800, Stephen E. Jones wrote:
>Similarly with Glenn, on a personal level I have forgiven him (as I forgive
>*everyone* who wrongs me). But that does not mean that I would
>advocate that Glenn's wrong be not put right, or worse still, that a wrong
>somehow becomes right over time by the wrongdoer doing nothing. I
>believe (and Christianity is based on it) that wrongs are wrong *forever*
>until they are put right.
>And this wrong of Glenn's will not be put right until either Glenn: a)
>publicly defends his allegation or b) publicly retracts it.
>This is *entirely* up to Glenn. If Glenn replies, publicly retracting his
>allegation, well and good. If he doesn't, I won't chase him up on it. I have
>forgiven Glenn his wrong against me, and I will now waive my right that I
>had previously reserved for me to bring it up again if Glenn made ad
>hominems against Christian apologists. I won't bring it up again, unless
>someone else does first. Otherwise, for me the matter is closed (again!).

Stephen, you are correct that my apology was for having hurt you. And I am
sorry that I said privately what I should have said publically. I still
stand by what I said. You continually claim that the my assertion that
powerful thinkers left this list because of you is false. Your claim is
erroneous. I would cite Steve Clark, whom I do believe is a powerful
thinker (in spite of his protestations to the contrary). I miss his
contributions tremendously as I learned a lot from his corrections of my
positions. He is the only one to publically state what I had been told
privately by others. To demonstrate that your claim about the falsity of
the story is indeed erroneous, I quote from Steve Clark's post.

At 09:08 AM 09/07/1999 -0500, Steve Clark wrote:

>In defense of Glenn, not long after you joined the reflector, I complained
>about the nature and argumentiveness of your posts. While I wouldn't
>include myself as one of the "powerful thinkers" here, I leave your
>messages largely unread because you seemed more fond of rhetoric than
>reasoned argument. Your messages detracted from my enjoyment of the debate
>on the reflector. Indeed, you and a few others contributed to my reduced
>participation here. So, Glenn was not far off at all. For some reason,
>last week I was curious about whether you were still making contentious and
>presumptuous posts. The message I chose to examine was the one that
>contained your whining about Glenn but that offered little substance.


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