Re: TE/EC ad hominems-a fact that cries out for an explanation (was petty personal agendas)

Stephen E. Jones (
Sat, 11 Sep 1999 21:01:42 +0800


On Tue, 07 Sep 1999 21:59:15 +0000, wrote:

>SJ>Glenn did *not* apologise for his "unacceptable behavior". Glenn said that
>>he stood by his claim that I "drove most of the real thinkers away from
>this list":

GM>I did apologize for this. You are wrong. Here is the note which can be
>found at:
>I wrote: "I will apologize to Stephen for this. I owe that to him after
>Bertvan's lapse of etiquette. "

As I have pointed out *many* times before, and Glenn has up to now not
contradicted, Glenn's apology above was only for having "hurt" me.

First Glenn wrote: "I will stand by what I said":

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 20:36:31 +0000 wrote:


GM>SHame on you Bertvan. The ONLY address on the note when it left my
>machine was to you. You copied it and sent it on. You have no ethics sir. You
>are scum on the bottom of the ethics pool and are NOT to be trusted in any way
>shape or form.
>But since it is public, I will stand by what I said.



Then Glenn wrote: " hurt Stephen, strained further our already strained
relationship, and frankly, embarrassed me, which is the least of the issues...I
will apologize to Stephen for this":

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 22:00:53 +0000 wrote:


GM>Since it doesn't appear in the archives,and I never saw a copy come from
>the reflector either, he didn't simply add He sent
>it on to Stephen privately, apparently without any explanation. Bertvan
>didn't even copy me in what he sent to Stephen. That is a disgusting thing
>for him to do because it hurt Stephen, strained further our already
>strained relationship, and frankly, embarrassed me, which is the least of
>the issues. If this is the type of activity that Bertvan is interested in
>doing then he has serious problems with his judgement and he is not to be
>I will apologize to Stephen for this. I owe that to him after Bertvan's
>lapse of etiquette. Bertvan has NO right to stand on a soap box as an
>ethical judge of anyone as he hypocritically does here.

I have assumed all along from the above two posts (and Glenn up till now
has done nothing to contradict my assumption) that:

1. Glenn still "stands by what he said", ie. he is claiming it is *true* that I
drove I "drove most of the real thinkers away from this list... within about
3 months of" me "coming aboard".

2. Glenn is only apologising for the fact that " hurt Stephen, strained
further our already strained relationship..."

Now if Glenn is claiming that his apology in 2. above also included 1.
above, and that h eno longer "stands by what he said" (ie. he admits
that it was not true), he needs to say it *clearly* and *publicly*.

GM>And now, Stephen, I will publically ask you to forgive me. Will you
>forgive me?

I do forgive Glenn. But forgiveness and justice are two different issues
entirely. For example, a year ago my 18 year-old car was stolen and trashed
beyond repair-on my birthday! I was devastated and angry because I loved that
old car, but I forgave whoever did it. But that does not mean that I would
advocate that the police not try to catch the wrongdoers and if they ever got caught that I would ask the
courts not to administer justice for the wrong
they did.

Similarly with Glenn, on a personal level I have forgiven him (as I forgive
*everyone* who wrongs me). But that does not mean that I would
advocate that Glenn's wrong be not put right, or worse still, that a wrong
somehow becomes right over time by the wrongdoer doing nothing. I
believe (and Christianity is based on it) that wrongs are wrong *forever*
until they are put right.

And this wrong of Glenn's will not be put right until either Glenn: a)
publicly defends his allegation or b) publicly retracts it.

This is *entirely* up to Glenn. If Glenn replies, publicly retracting his
allegation, well and good. If he doesn't, I won't chase him up on it. I have
forgiven Glenn his wrong against me, and I will now waive my right that I
had previously reserved for me to bring it up again if Glenn made ad
hominems against Christian apologists. I won't bring it up again, unless
someone else does first. Otherwise, for me the matter is closed (again!).


"I have come to the conclusion that Darwinism is not a testable scientific
theory, but a metaphysical research programme-a possible framework for
testable scientific theories." (Popper K.R., "Unended Quest: An Intellectual
Autobiography", [1974], Open Court: La Salle, Ill., Revised Edition, 1982,
Stephen E. Jones | |