> Sixth, TE/ECs should show "True Christian love" by taking my admonition
> seriously and discussing it rationally. If I am wrong, I would like to
> know that I am wrong and apologise. But if TE/ECs react with ad hominems,
> then they confirm to me that I am right!
I for one would appreciate it if Steve would be gracious enough to explain
how we "TE/ECs" should "rationally discuss" the assesment that we have been
"taken 'captive' by a 'hollow and deceptive philosophy' (Col 2:8), namely
scientific materialism-naturalism", such that "the 'E' part of 'TE/EC'"
controls "the Christian 'T' part." What evidence or argument would he accept
as proof that he is wrong?
Kevin L. O'Brien