RE: Wall Street Journal: The Church of Darwin By Phillip E. Johnson

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 6 Sep 1999 16:30:25 -0700

MP>Also, if we *assume* that God influenced directly evolutionary processes,
>can modern scientific method detect that influence?

SJ: *Before* "modern scientific method" can detect the "influence" of "God" it
must *first* have a philosophy that can does not rule out in advance the very
possibility of that "influence" of "God", before it even looks at the evidence.

SJ: For example, Dennett admits that the "modern scientific method" cannot, from
the empirical evidence alone, "rule out the earlier historical presence of
rational designers":

Well, Stephen showed clearly that the present scientific method does not a priori rule out the "influence of God".

Now it is up to Stephen to show how a scientific method can detect that influence.
Will Stephen comply?