RE: Wall Street Journal: The Church of Darwin By Phillip E. Johnson

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 6 Sep 1999 16:34:33 -0700

SJ: So too with materialistic-naturalism. It works OK in the ongoing physical
world because God in fact governs the physical world by rational laws. But
materialistic-naturalism has anomalies in a number of areas, e.g.: 1) origins;
2) design; 3) human consciousness; 4) information.

1) No problem there
2) design: No problem there. The problem is for ID proponents who are trying to propose a scientific method to detect supernatural design.
3) What anomaly here?
4) Again, no problem or anomaly

MP>I think that the materialism-naturalism assumption is not perfect, but I
>can't see a better alternative.

SJ: What "alternatives" has Marcio examined? In particular, has he examined theism?
What books on theism did he read?

Show us how Theism allows us to detect in a scientific manner evidence of a supernatural event?

SJ: After examining the evidence for theims in those books, what did Marcio find that
"materialism-naturalism" can explain that theism can't? And what did Marcio find
that theism "can explain that "materialism-naturalism" can't? And after all this
comparison of the two alternatives, what were the decisive facts that convinced
Marcio that "materialism-naturalism assumption" is "a better alternative than

Deus ex machina is not a better alternative Stephen. Perhaps you can present a better one?

MP>Also, I don't see how it would prevent
>totally the detection of ID. What would be your alternative?

SJ:See Swinburne's quote above for starters.

Avoidance. Try to answer the question Stephen. And show also how you propose to detect it?