RE: Scientists get exploding beetle in their sights

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 6 Sep 1999 12:40:06 -0700

SJ: Well, since "Darwinism": 1) is the dominant theory of evolution, taught compulsorily to my children with my taxpayer's money;

As is other good science. So why the empty rethoric here dear Stephen?

and 2) claims to be the only materialistic-naturalistic theory, even in principle, which can account for life's complex design without a Designer:

Yawn, you are now confusing Darwinism with what people believe.

SJ: But I would however be "really interested in" what alternative to "Darwinism" that Darren has which can explain the "the evident design of the Bombardier Beetle"!

What evident design?

DC>It is too easy to criticise other people's theories

SJ: Apart from the fact that real science should *encourage* criticism of its "theories",

Of course, but empty rethoric is not criticism that should be encouraged.

the "other people's theories" in this case happens to be *Darwinism* the reigning scientific theory of evolution, taught in most (if not all) schools and universities with taxpayer funding, of
how life supposedly arose without the need for a Creator.

See my previous remark about empty rethoric.