Re: Dembski, freedom, and the Soviet Union

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Sat, 04 Sep 1999 07:49:05 -0700

At 12:37 AM 09/04/1999 -0500, Wesley wrote:

>Dembski, whose recent book, The Design Inference, presents in
>great detail how the Intelligent Design argument satisfies
>logic and probability, likes to compare the movement's
>influence on science to the freedom and democracy movements
>and their effect on Eastern Europe. Criticism of Darwinism
>now threatens the hegemony of Darwinism, he says, just as the
>move toward freedom upset the Soviet empire.
>[End Quote - S Goode, <>]
>The particular bit of rhetoric attributed to William Dembski
>in the above is simply vile,

What is it you find "vile" about what Dembski is purported to have said? Do
you not think the movement toward freedom upset the Soviet empire? or do
you not think criticism of Darwin threatens the hegemony of Darwinism? or
what? Please explain so that those of us who are thick-headed can
understand your objections.