Re: A long time ago...

John W. Burgeson (
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 16:21:29 -0700

Glenn wrote, in part:

>>I would suggest that you might be mixing science and metaphysics. In
sense metaphysical positions can rarely have experimenta crucia. (did I
the declinations correct?) Scientific positions can. I may be wrong, but
the above looks contradictory to me.>>

I think you read it wrong. We do not disagree. We agree. In this case, my
wording may be turgid, but it was not imprecise.
At least I don't think it was. < G >

>>If we restrict the discussion to the philosophical position, then I
be forced to agree with you, that PC is an alternative to TE and AE. But
when we start discussing observation, there is no difference in the

Again, we do not disagree, at least concerning data available presently.
I am agnostic towards what data may be found in the future.

BTW -- where are you moving to? I hope it is a "good" place. Like
Durango, Colorado or any of the small towns up here in the San Juan


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