Re: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King of Criminals.

John W. Burgeson (
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 16:32:59 -0700

Joseph wrote:

"Do I understand you now to say that the truth, especially about the
bedrock issues, is important, is substantive and ought to be discussed
on the LISTSERV?"

Yes. Truth on all issues is important. "Bedrock issues" at the top. One
obvious problem is that not all people are going to define these issues
the same way!

What I have difficulty understanding is how you define some "bedrock
issues." Indulge me, just one time. Define ONE such issue so I can
understand it. I do not mean this pejoratively, I mean it quite
sincerely. I know you have done so in the past; I have not (yet)
understood what you wrote. Perhaps I skimmed it too fast; if so, I


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