A long time ago...

John W. Burgeson (johnburgeson@juno.com)
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 15:52:01 -0600

A long time ago, Glenn wrote:

"You are correct, I use Aristotelian logic. That is what works best in

I just revisited your reply of three weeks ago and will let most of it

My point on Aristotelian logic was notthat it was invalid, WHEN IT
APPLIES. Thus A cannot be not-A and so forth.

But what I see is that you use it in the following way:

You set up two positions which are clearly at odds with one another,
demonstrate conclusively that one of them is false, and claim victory for
the other. "A is false, therefore B."

But in many cases there are not simply two positions, but a multitude of
possible positions. Showing A is false does not prove B is true if C, D,
... also exist!

Sorry to have been less than clear on this than I could have been...



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