Glenn wrote:

John W. Burgeson (
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 15:45:41 -0600

Glenn wrote:

"Ok, I didn't mean to sound pejorative. Biased, yes; pejorative, no! :-)"

I knew you were not intending it! < G >

And we are all biased to some extent.

You continued"

"However, there is a clear difference, the novel you describe makes no
to divine inspiration and a revelation of the plan of salvation (a very
important issue). The Bible does make such a claim. That is why it is
rightfully subject to a closer scrutiny. Is what the Bible tells us TRUE
FALSE? A fictional book we KNOW is false, the Bible must come up to some
standard of verifiability in order to avoid fideism."

Metaphors always fail at some point, of course.

What I perceive here is that you, Glenn Morton, are dictating to the LORD
of the universe the terms upon which you will accept his Word. The fact
that your terms seem very reasonable, both to you and many others, is
simply not pertinent, particular as you and I both know that many
Christians are willing to accept other terms and have little or no
difficulty doing so.

You conclude:

"... the Bible must come up to some
standard of verifiability in order to avoid fideism."

Who sets that standard, Glenn, on the words of God?

I would not.


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