>But if science is estricted
>to considering only natural causes, and there is in fact an
>Intelligent Designer who intervened in nature at strategic points to
>introduce new information and direction, then to to that extent
>science will be an incomplete description of reality.
Science _is_ an incomplete description of reality -- at least for those of
us who acknowledge that there is a spiritual side of reality.
>There is nothing wrong with science being an incomplete description
>of reality, providing scientists state that up front and don't
>then claim that science is a complete description of reality.
Agreed. Perhaps it's time to throw a party. I don't know when Stephen and
I have agreed so completely.
One small caveat: I don't think Christians should wait for scientists to
make the above disclaimer. People like Sagan and Dawkins won't because
they don't accept it. Organizations like AAAS and NAS won't, because their
members have differing views, and besides it's outside their charter.
Christians should make it. That's our job.
Bill Hamilton | Vehicle Systems Research
GM R&D Center | Warren, MI 48090-9055
810 986 1474 (voice) | 810 986 3003 (FAX)
hamilton@gmr.com (office) | whamilto@mich.com (home)