<<This is where you are very very wrong (I say this respectfully). It has
been acknowledged for a long time in Old Testament scholarship that creation
in Gen 1 is NOT ex nihilo, but creation out of a dark watery Chaos (v.2).>>
And, with respect as well, I say this is not correct. There is not a single,
orthodox theologian from centuries past who held this (you may be confusing
the creation of the earth with the creation of the cosmos). Creation ex nihilo
has always been the orthodox position, and still is today (see again the
theologians cited). No doubt the 20th century has produced theology of a
different stripe (this is true for numerous doctrines). But, historically,
creation ex nihilo has been a core belief. I daresay, non-negotiable.
<<Now, is this an creatio ex nihilo verse? Definitely. Is there a clear
contradiction between Gen 1 and Heb 11? Definitely.>>
I guess we operate from different paradigms. I say Scripture is not
contradictory. This is a categorical difference, and one that probably cannot
be resolved. But, once again, orthodox Christianity holds that Scripture is
never contradictory. You won't find any theologians before 1800 saying
Your comments also provided food for thought, Denis. Thanks!