Sangre de Cristo

Thomas L Moore (mooret@GAS.UUG.Arizona.EDU)
Fri, 24 Nov 1995 22:50:35 -0700 (MST)

Given the recent discussion here regarding Jesus' genetics, I thought I
might mention a novel written by a local author here in Tucson called
_Sangre de Cristo_. In the story, another shroud is discovered. This
one had real bood on it. A biologist, out of personal frustration,
decided to attempt to get the DNA out of the blood, and succeeds. After
doing so, the C-14 tests come back suggesting that it was from the time
Christ died. Naturally - the politics followed.

To contribute to the discussion, what would really happen if this did occur?

P.S. If anyone wants additional info on the book let me know (I even read


*** Thomas L. Moore ***
*** Paleoclimatology Research Lab. ***
*** Department of Geosciences ***
*** University of Arizona ***