Re: No death before the fall theology

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Sat Apr 26 2003 - 16:31:50 EDT

  • Next message: Dr. Blake Nelson: "Re: No death before the fall theology"

    Debbie writes

    >When I was in school, 96% was often an A and 38% was occasionally a passing
    >grade. Yet, attackers of The Bible seem to believe that if they can find
    >fault, or show that 5% is inconclusive, vague or impossible to take
    >literally - that the portion that has been verified by multiple sources can
    >be ignored and the portion which is unverified is definitely wrong.

    Perhaps this was your best point. So you want to
    label skeptics as nit-pickers, do you?

    Your Bible teaches that the cause of human death
    is sin. We know this is false. The Bible attributes
    words about creation directly to God that we know are

    Normal, honest reaction: no all-powerful being is
    behind the Bible.

    Frequent Christian reaction: Maybe a day isn't a
    day. Or, maybe Genesis genealogies have gaps. Some
    Christians, to their credit, admit the Bible begins
    with mythology. They want to say the OT is false
    but the NT is true. Isn't the same god supposed to
    be behind both of these?

    Physical death as a consequence of sin is central
    Christian doctrine, not some trivial census number.
    And the Bible got it wrong. When Christians are
    confronted with this, generally the silence or the
    dishonesty begins.

    This is not one fault, Debbie. Supposedly it was the
    very reason for the NT.


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