Re: Iraq National Museum Tragedy

From: George Murphy (
Date: Sat Apr 19 2003 - 22:37:49 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: The power of ten"

    William T. Yates wrote:
    > Also please note that it appears to have been an organized heist by
    > knowledgeable people. They had keys to the vaults and display cases. The
    > items taken were not indiscriminate choices. While some 'looting' did
    > occur, the real loss seems to have been the result of a planned criminal
    > heist.
    > As for priorities in protecting places, the first priority is force
    > protection. If you can't protect yourself, you can't protect anything
    > else. This is war. Baghdad is still not totally safe and certainly was
    > not so when the theft occurred. At the time, the number of coalition
    > forces was limited, and still is. Until more details are known, I would
    > be leery of accusing the US of dereliction of duty (some almost go so
    > far as to accuse the US of complicity). I think those who have resigned
    > may have done so on the basis of incomplete and inaccurate informaton.
    > One of my superiors once had a slogan, "No immediate action, ever." A
    > cautionary warning not to react without thinking and knowledge. That can
    > apply to more than war news.
    > A late report says that paintings apparently stolen from the museum were
    > recovered at the Jordanian border today. All may not be lost.

            Members of Saddam's regime apparently stashed away about $ 4 x 10^9 really the
    property of the Iraqi people) in foreign accounts & it will be no surprise if we find
    that the pillaging of the Baghdad museums were done in part with their connivance.
    U.S. forces undoubtedly could have dome a better job of protecting these treasures but
    that isn't the whole story. None of the real historical treasures will be able to go on
    the open market, & there's a high probability that most will be recovered. We don't
    live in the best of all possible worlds.



    George L. Murphy

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