Re: Evidence of The Flood

From: D. F. Siemens, Jr. (
Date: Sat Apr 19 2003 - 17:51:16 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Iraq National Museum Tragedy"

    You need to check Glenn Morton's site on the canopy theory: The original notion
    was that the canopy was ice, but, if nothing else, it runs into problems
    with the Roche limit--it would be torn apart by gravity. So they went to
    a vapor theory, which cooks everything on earth, somewhat like the
    condition of Venus.

    The other reference you make seems to me to refer to the "waters under
    the earth" or "great deep." The one theory I encountered (sorry that I
    don't recall the reference) is that water flowed from caverns under the
    earth to the surface to provide the watering of Eden. The caverns, in a
    diagram in one of Morris's books, had the caverns connected to the
    primordial oceans, so that water flowed up hill. The mechanism for this
    flow was not explained. The rest of the story is that the ancient surface
    collapsed into the massive subterranean caverns, which provided part of
    the water for the Flood. Consider the amount of water needed, which
    requires great depth to the "deep", and note the resulting temperature.
    The heat would necessarily be worse than a pressure cooker, with no pop
    off valve. In 40 days, Noah and the animals would have been liquefied.

    Irecall a TV program where a chap claimed that the mid-ocean ridges were
    formed when waters from the "deep" broke through and sprayed over
    everything. The low mountains and shallow seas of the pre-flood were
    changed into deep basins where the water could collect and high mountains
    that were rapidly pushed up. Anyone want to calculate the magnitude of
    the earthquakes necessarily produced by such tectonic activity?

    On Fri, 18 Apr 2003 22:10:09 -0500 "Debbie Mann"
    <> writes:
    4. The canopy that I read about was not vapor, but an ice canopy over the
    whole earth - something like the ionosphere, only lower. The supposition
    goes that there was extreme volcanic activity that caused reactions,
    which caused this to melt - causing rain. Further, they state that this
    was the first rain ever, that prior to that the earth was a great
    terrarium, watered by dew. Also, this canopy did increase the atmospheric
    pressure, making the earth one great hypobaric chamber. The pressure and
    the UV shielding, as well as genetic purity, is supposed to account for
    the long lives of everyone before the flood, and the sudden shortening of
    life spans after the flood. I'm sure, with the scope of material on the
    web page, that you have heard all this before. I've heard pieces of it
    from laymen from Ohio to Texas, seen it on the Discovery channel and have
    a little book about it. The rest of the theory involves geological
    activity under the earth which made room for the water to run off.

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