Re: The power of ten

From: George Murphy (
Date: Sat Apr 19 2003 - 22:29:18 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "20 april"

    Vernon Jenkins wrote:
    > George,
    > As a scientist you must know that the weighing of probabilities plays a
    > significant role in the application of the scientific method and in the
    > proper assessment of the results deriving therefrom. I put it to you that
    > the evidence I have gathered strongly points to the existence of a second
    > channel of communication complementing the words of the original Hebrew and
    > Greek biblical texts. While such truth is not to be found among the writings
    > of the Christian Fathers, nor in the syllabuses of our theological colleges,
    > I believe it should be recognised and declared by those qualified to make an
    > impartial judgment of the facts. Clearly, you are included in this category.
    > A bald denial that such things can ever be is surely an unworthy and poor
    > substitute for the closely-argued rebuttal.
    > It would be a pity to discontinue our discussion at this juncture, for this
    > really is an important matter - as you must realise.

    Vernon - It is in some sense a pity that we can't continue all discussions of all topics
    to whatever length anyone may feel necessary. Perhaps we'll be able to do that in the
    new heavens & new earth, but on this earth one each of us has to have priorities. I
    have responibilities in 2 of our services tomorrow (having just done so in 2 of our
    Easter Eve ones), have 2 writing commitemnets due Monday, & leave for a speaking
    engagement Tuesday. The only statement I wanted to make here was that use of gematria
    at one point in Revelation provides no warrant for it elsewherein scripture. I continue
    to believe that.
    George L. Murphy

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