Re: The power of ten

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Sat Apr 19 2003 - 17:00:44 EDT

  • Next message: Vernon Jenkins: "Re: fine tuning"


    As a scientist you must know that the weighing of probabilities plays a
    significant role in the application of the scientific method and in the
    proper assessment of the results deriving therefrom. I put it to you that
    the evidence I have gathered strongly points to the existence of a second
    channel of communication complementing the words of the original Hebrew and
    Greek biblical texts. While such truth is not to be found among the writings
    of the Christian Fathers, nor in the syllabuses of our theological colleges,
    I believe it should be recognised and declared by those qualified to make an
    impartial judgment of the facts. Clearly, you are included in this category.
    A bald denial that such things can ever be is surely an unworthy and poor
    substitute for the closely-argued rebuttal.

    It would be a pity to discontinue our discussion at this juncture, for this
    really is an important matter - as you must realise.



    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "George Murphy" <>
    To: "Vernon Jenkins" <>
    Cc: "Michael Roberts" <>; <>
    Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 11:26 PM
    Subject: Re: The power of ten

    > I doubt that further discussion will get us anywhere. I simply don't
    think that
    > the clear use of gematria in one verse of the Bible authorizes its use in
    other texts.
    > Shalom,
    > George

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